
Intuitive Multi-robot Control software from 

Part of ctrlX AUTOMATION


MAIRobot enables the control of complex production lines with multiple robots using a single HMI. With MAIRobot, you benefit from cost-efficient commissioning and operation of all new-generation KUKA robots in ctrlX AUTOMATION.

MAIRobot has an intuitive user interface & HMI. This makes it easy to set up and operate complex automation cells. Necessary robot functions are combined across different automation levels and abstracted from complex programming and underlying protocols.

In addition, MAIRobot supports the setup of multi-robots and utilises the unique cloning function. The software offers efficiency and easy maintenance.

Intuitive robot control

Control of robot movements in real time, including start, stop, pause and jogging mode.

Manual jogging of robots via HMI

Teach the position and set parameters for speed, movement profiles, gripper or tool actions.

Safety functions and system warnings

Includes functions such as emergency stop buttons, safety interlocks and visual indicators.
Provides error messages, alarms and warnings in the event of problems or abnormal conditions.

Multi-robot control

Easy setup and control of multiple robots, including cloning and overwriting functions.

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